What is SEO anyways?


In order to fully understand the scope of service we offer at HyperWebs, we feel it is important to explain some facts and terms about the most misunderstood and misused term in our business.

Have you heard the term "seo your website"?  As in "SEO" used as a verb?
Have you heard, "We can design your website and we can SEO it for $25?"

Well if someone says that to you, turn and run, because there is nobody on earth that can get best page search results for $25.  In fact, the Google algorithm is so sophisticated now that NOBODY can get first page search results for any amount of money.

To HyperWebs, this is what Search Engine Optimization means:
"To be highly ranked on Google, your site must earn the right, and be more relevant and authorative than other sites competing for the same search term."

Search engine optimization is not a commodity as much as it is a process.  It is not something that you can do once and walk away from.  To get ranked, and to STAY RANKED, on Google, your site must be constantly monitored, tweaked, new content must be added.  We call that the "evergreen process."

What is Black Hat SEO?
Think of this as cheating, because that is what Google does.  And if you get caught, adios!  Your domain name could be banned from Google.  Can you imagine that?  Your brand, your business, your livlihood
GONE!  Can it happen?  It happens all the time.

An example of black hat SEO would be keyword stuffing.  Although it is not used much any more, keyword stuffing was one of the earliest methods that shady SEO people used to get their websites ranked. 

Basically it involves stuffing the key words into text in unnatural positions that made no sense.

Here is an example of keyword stuffing:
• The term we are optimizing for is "blue widgets":

"We sell custom blue widgets. Our custom blue widgets are handmade blue widgets. If you’re thinking of buying a custom blue widget, please contact our custom blue widget specialists at custom.blue.widgets@..."

See how that makes no sense?

What is White Hat SEO?
Obviously these are accepted strategies to get top placement on search engines, and there are two methods available here:

Paid SEO
Again, quite obvious. This means buying ads that are seen when a search term is asked for. This is what makes Google worth $720 BILLION!

Organic SEO​
There are numerous reasons why organic seo is by far the preferred method of getting websites ranked highly.  And it is here that HyperWebs operates, providing our customers with the best rankings using the best strategies.

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